viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009

Message to Harry Manback

....Es un corte del grupo "Tool" de su disco "Aenima", a continuacion un extracto de una entrevista en la que explican de donde sale este mensaje (in English...stoy vago pa traducirlo :P)
_Is "Message to Harry Manback" an actual phone message?

Yep, someone left someone a threat. Yes, they actually meant it
as a threat. So no, it wasn't concocted by the band. (Though the
piano part was obviously added in to make it sound more like a love poem).

_OK, so who was that message for? Who is Harry Manback?

Danny had this to say about it in some interview:

"Message to Harry Manback is a recording of the words of an uninvited
Italian guest who came to Maynard's house one day. A so-called friend
of a friend of a friend of Harry's .... Before we finally managed to
figure out that nobody really knew him, he had already emptied the fridge
and run up a huge phone bill. He got kicked out of the house."

Harry Manback is a pseudonym for the real recipient of the message, presumably
a past roommate of Maynard's: Hotsy Menshot of Green Jello.

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